Short Scar Face and Neck Lift

Also known as the “Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift” or “MACS Lift”

Who is the short scar facelift and neck lift for?

Many people are living longer, healthier lives. They seek facelifts because they want to look as good as they feel or because they are staying in the workplace longer and want to retain a youthful appearance. Most of all, people who get this procedure want a renewed sense of self-confidence that comes with turning back the clock 7-10 years. Here’s what people tend to say about their looks when they see us:

  • They do not like the appearance of their neck or cheeks.
  • They feel healthy and younger but when they look in the mirror they see someone who looks older.
  • They are starting to look like their mother or father.
  • They have a “turkey wattle” or sagging neck and throat area.

What is the short scar facelift and neck lift?

This procedure was pioneered in Europe and is now used throughout the United States. Officially the short scar facelift technique that we practice is called the MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) Lift – and we think it’s the best. We prefer this technique because traditional facelifts can give you an unnatural and “windswept” look immediately after surgery. With this technique, the skin is pulled up, not back, for a more natural looking lift. In addition to having shorter scars and a more natural look, you also will experience shorter recovery times. Patients can go back to the office usually 2 weeks after the surgery. Many of our patients receive comments from friends about how they look well-rested or how their new haircut makes them look younger.

How is the procedure performed?

As its name suggests, the short scar facelift has shorter scars and is considered minimally invasive, especially compared to traditional surgical lifts. The incisions, which are made just inside your hairline, are about 1/3 of the length of traditional facelifts. At times we perform liposuction to remove fat from the neck. Then we pull that skin up until it’s somewhat tight and remove any excess. Sometimes this alone won’t solve neck sagging, or a “turkey wattle” as some patients call it. In those cases the muscle is actually causing a hanging chin. So we need to tighten those muscles to return the neck to a younger appearance. It’s important to note that smaller incisions along the hairline mean significantly shorter surgery times of 2-3 hours versus the 4-6 hours of surgery for traditional facelifts – this translates to a safer operation.

How long is recovery time?

Recovery time is greatly reduced for the short scar procedure compared to traditional facelifts – 1-2 weeks compared to 3-4 weeks. Often you can return to work within two weeks. It’s also important to remember that you won’t be able to drive yourself home from surgery and you won’t be able to drive for about a week after surgery. Here’s a typical recovery timeline:

  • Day After Surgery: The day after surgery you come back to our office where the doctor who performed the surgery will change your bandages.
  • 3-4 Days: You will remain bruised and swollen and won’t feel like socializing.
  • 6-7 Days: 60% of the bruising and swelling will have subsided. You will return to our office for a check-up. You will probably be able to get off any pain medication, meaning you can start driving.
  • 10-14 Days: About 80% of the swelling and bruising will have subsided, allowing you to see the results and cover up any remaining bruising with makeup. More importantly, you may feel that you can comfortably go back to work or return to your normal routine. We will perform a checkup about day 14.
  • 30 Days, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year: You will come by the office for a check-up.

How long does the short scar facelift last?

Depending on the elasticity of your skin, diet and sun exposure, your short scar facelift and neck lift should last for 5 to 7 years or longer.

What is the cost of a short scar facelift?

Because it’s a shorter and less risky operation, the short scar facelift is less expensive than a traditional facelift. But all patients are different and the procedures required to get the results you want can vary. If you’d like to know more, please schedule a consultation by calling us at (360) 823-0860 or contacting us using the form on this page.

Short scar facelift Before & After Samples – Full Gallery

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Call Us At (360) 823-0860 Or Click The Button Below To Request a Consultation.

At Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery, we have shifted to a more contemporary deep plane facelift and neck lift procedure. In some cases we still use the short scar technique so please contact us to learn which procedure would be best for you.

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