Pro-Nox™ for Pain and Anxiety Relief

We are excited to introduce Pro-Nox™ at Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery in order to provide a more comfortable experience for our patients.

Pro-Nox™ delivers a 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide mixture that the patient self-administers to relieve pain and anxiety for a variety of in-office procedures.

What makes Pro-Nox™ unique is that it is controlled by the patient, not the staff.  The patient is able to breathe in the nitrous mixture at his or her own pace.  The nitrous mixture takes effect quickly and only takes 5-10 minutes to clear from the body, making it safe to drive yourself to and from your appointments.

When we were considering purchasing this machine for our practice, I volunteered to test out the Pro-Nox™ myself while undergoing a microneedling treatment.

During the treatment, you place a plastic mouthpiece connected to flexible tubing into your mouth.  To administer the Pro-Nox™, you breathe in and out of the mouthpiece during the procedure.

I can tell you from my first-hand experience, I felt the effects of the nitrous gas within minutes. You are not asleep. You can still respond, answer questions, and follow directions if needed but with minimal discomfort and no anxiety.

Once the procedure was completed, I felt completely back to normal within just a few minutes.

Pro-Nox™ is perfect for in office procedures, laser procedures, microneedling, even injectables!

If you are interested in adding the Pro-Nox™ to your service or procedure at Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery, please call our offices at (360) 823-0860 to receive more information and to make sure you are a good candidate.

Demonstration of Pro-Nox
Demonstration of Pro-Nox

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