Before & After

The before & after photos we present are intended to give you an idea of the outcomes some of our patients have experienced. If you have any questions about how you might able to change your appearance we welcome you to schedule a consultation so we can discuss your options.

Short Scar Face
and Neck Lift

We started using this technique because traditional facelifts can give you an unnatural and “windswept” look immediately after surgery. With this technique, the skin is pulled up, not back, for a more natural looking lift. In addition to having shorter scars and a more natural look, you also will experience shorter recovery times.

> View the short scar face lift and neck lift gallery

Tummy Tuck

There are variations to tummy tuck surgery; the technique selected is dependant on the degree of correction necessary to achieve a flatter profile and firmer abdomen. Incision length and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as personal preference and surgical judgment.

> View the tummy tuck gallery

Laser Tattoo and
Brown Spot Removal

When a laser strikes the tattoo, it will break the clumps of pigment into smaller particles. Eventually, the particles become small enough that the body’s immune system (white blood cells) can dispose of the pigment. When done properly, no scarring occurs.

> View the tattoo removal gallery


At Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery we use both silicon and saline breast implants. Both have their advantages. We will consult with you to align your goals with the capabilities of each type of implant. In the gallery you will see a variety of results to help you decide what might be right for you.

> View the breast augmentation gallery


As women age the effects of gravity, childbirth and other factors can cause the breasts to droop. With a breast lift the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve breast contour and firmness. The nipple and areola are repositioned to a natural, more youthful height.

> View the breast lift gallery

Contact Us

If this is an urgent medical issue please call 360-823-0860.

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